
Ruhe-Störung. Streifzüge durch die Welten der Collage.

28.Sep 13 - 26.Jan 14

Exhibitions > Ruhe-Störung. Streifzüge durch die Welten der Collage.

Event Details
30.Nov @ 12:00 AM

Free Admission

Kunstmuseum Ahlen
Museumsplatz 1/Weststraße 98 59227 Ahlen

Ruhe-Störung. Streifzüge durch die Welten der Collage.

Two Museums, Two Cities, One Exhibition
Beginning in September, the Ahlen Art Museum and the Museum Marta Herford will present a joint exhibition project featuring more than 400 works. This exhibition offers a comprehensive definition of collage across the twentieth century through time, place, and technique. This exhibition continues to investigate the unique potential of contemporary collage that begun with the very popular exhibitions, Collage Worlds I: Experiment (2001), and Collage Worlds II: Utopia (2003) presented by the Kunstmuseum Ahlen. Ruhe-Störung is curated by Dr. Thomas Schriefers, an extensive catalogue is available at both museums.More information is available on the museum websites: Ahlen Art Museum and Museum Marta Herford

Event Details
30.Nov @ 12:00 AM

Free Admission

Kunstmuseum Ahlen
Museumsplatz 1/Weststraße 98 59227 Ahlen