Künstlerfest, ‚Em dekke tommes’ in Köln
August Sander
Künstlerfest, ‚Em dekke tommes’ in Köln, um 1930
27.3 × 21.8 cm
Here we see a photograph of a Karneval (Mardi Gras) ball in Cologne, a group of artists and their friends. It was customary for the more earnest businessmen to mingle with the artists and creatives during this “fifth season” in Cologne. On the right, a lawyer who shows up again in Sander’s work in a much more earnest manner. He obviously is enjoying life for a stolen moment. Sander would go to these artist balls and set up a small ‘studio’ to take photographs on order during the festivities to be printed and delivered later. He put a number on the left bottom corner and made notes to remember the order after a long night’s work.